Welcome to My Life

Hello there. This is who I am, and these are the thoughts that go on in my head. You're welcome.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Team Edward? Team Jacob? Or Team Mikey?

In a couple days there will be a full moon, and there is a good chance I may be a little different that night. I was bitten by one of my Mexican friends the other night on the way home from the bar. He had a lot to drink, probably Tequila, and apparently he felt like digging his teeth into someone. Unfortunately I was right next to him and he found my arm quite easily. So in two days I may be growing a sick mustache and I might even wake up with hydraulics on my Jeep.

This got me thinking a lot about Twilight and how much everything sucks about those movies except for the soundtracks. As much as you may not want to listen to any of his songs, Robert Pattinson is incredible, and Bon Iver, one of my favorite musicians, was on the first soundtrack, and this didn't actually make me upset, it made me happy that he was getting the popularity he deserved, even though a bunch of 15 year old teenage girls are going to not like his music because he is talented, and they don't know what they word means.

One of the biggest problems I have with the movies is how the good vampires don't get blood from people, but from animals. This defeats the purpose of a vampire. Vampires have always been romantic, but come on, this is just weak shit. Watch 30 Days of Night, or really any other vampire movie; they fuck shit up. What next, zombies that only eat animals? No, because that also defeats the purpose of zombies. But I'm sure PETA tried suing the saga for the fact of them eating animals, but Pete Wents and all of those other douchebags probably didn't get far. "Hey look, we want attention, we're going to sue you for a stupid reason, and use really untalented 'celebrities' to help." Vampires also aren't supposed to be sparkly. Pale is one thing, but glittery, what are they all drag queens, too? But my biggest problem with Twilight is the fact that it's somehow acceptable that Edward watches Bella sleep. I'm sorry, I don't care if you are a vampire, or Superman, or even Cat Woman, as hot as she is, you do not watch people sleep. Having a super power does not override the fact of how creepy that is. "Hey, I hear your boyfriend watches you sleep, Bella. You should probably get a restraining order on him or something." "It's alright, he's a vampire." "Oh, ok, then that's alright." Yeah, it doesn't work like that.

So there are my thoughts on the Twilight saga. Yes, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are hot, and Kristen Stewart is even starting to look cute. And the soundtracks are great, but it is the stupidest story, and almost ruins vampires for me.

If you want to meet up for dinner I'll probably be here on Sunday. I may not remember you the next day, though, and I may not be speaking in English, but that could be fun. See you there!

- Miguel



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