Welcome to My Life

Hello there. This is who I am, and these are the thoughts that go on in my head. You're welcome.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pictures I've Taken This Summer

I have taken many pictures this summer on my phone. What I like about these kinds of pictures is they weren't planned. It's not like taking a camera to some big event, it's just doing stupid stuff or noticing something cool while out somewhere. This post is just going to have some of these pictures with some thoughts, while some other posts will have a recent thought of mine or what not. Enjoy.

Some people like to put Silly Bandz on their wrists or even trade them. I like to write dirty words with them and then sign it with my initials

This is an event I would love to volunteer at

This is a jar of pickles that is not politically correct. They should change the name to: Sweet Little People

This is me holding a condiment jar that has my initials on it. If only I copyrighted my initials then I could be making a lot of money off of these assholes

That's what she said

The girl in blue is Rebecca Zeller. She is the violinist for the band Ra Ra Riot. I fell in love with her at a festival I went to in May. I will marry her

This is at the same festival. The artist Girl Talk was playing. The show was incredible. I danced a lot. Usually when girls talk I don't want to dance, I want to walk away

This is also at the same festival, this is when 30 Seconds to Mars was playing their song Kings and Queens. The music video takes place at sunset as well. Some may call that a coincidence, but I use the words "pretty fucking awesome" instead

This is in one of my dorms at my school. The stairs lead to nowhere. This dorm is haunted. The haunted dorms are really one of the only things I like at my school. I don't know if it's worth the $38,ooo, though

This is vodka that has the same name as my college. I think it was made by a company who knew alcohol was the only fun way to have a good time at our school. They were right

These are some ducks who wandered into my backyard. My friend, Ivan, and I tried to help them after they got stuck somewhere. Instead we made it worse for them. The moral of the story is sometimes we need to stop helping animals and just eat them

This is what they used to call your mom in college

What's more fun than mini golfing? Mini golfing on a hole that is shaped like a penis!

This is a picture represents beauty being fenced in by something. Everyone can be beautiful if they learn to hop that fence. Maybe Mexicans are looking to be beautiful

This shows how our country rushes things. Hey, here's some patriotism, but someone get in here and wash our dishes for us

This is how to tell your loved one how much you care about him or her. Say it with flowers. Or say it with soda from an Asian restaurant

This guy is obviously a drug dealer. And by that I mean it's a little too obvious that he is a drug dealer. Advertising is great for most business, but not that one

While in Boston I got to audition for the new Fast and the Furious movie. It's going to be called 2 Fast 2 Curious

This is me fist pumping outside of Ed Hardy. If I ever have to write another paper about someone who changed the world I'd write about Christian Audigier. He brought out the douche in many people, and that counts for something.

This is my Asian friend, Justin. This is him in China Town standing on the yellow line. Think about it. It's funny because it's racist.