Welcome to My Life

Hello there. This is who I am, and these are the thoughts that go on in my head. You're welcome.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

All Dressed Up and Somewhere to Go

The other day I was going to Shaws with Ivan and Jordan, and I was very intrigued by a bubble in my chai tea, to the point where I ended up spilling the cup all over myself. With a one and a half degree burn a couple inches from my twig and berries Ivan pulled over into someone's driveway. The first thing he said was "I hope that comes out of the seat," because he is a such a good friend and all. After getting out of the car and airing myself out I asked him to open the trunk to see if he had any extra clothes. His trunk was completely empty except for a green night gown we had bought from a thrift store and used in a horror movie. I obviously knew I had to wear it. So I got in the car and changed when we got back on the road. I won't lie, I looked hot in it, see below for proof. When I texted my mom about it she said "don't get arrested!" Of course the only time I've seen a policeman in a super market was this time, but he didn't say anything about it. Jordan was also such a good friend, he ignored me the whole time, but sometimes it's hard to ignore people when they're yelling at you from across the store. It wasn't the first time I've dressed up in women's clothes, and it definitely won't be the last, just wait for this Halloween. All in all it was a great day. The moral of the story is it's awesome being a film major sometimes; especially if you spill hot tea all over yourself.

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